Students in the elementary grades are assigned to self-contained, traditional classrooms with a homeroom teacher.
In first grade, students begin the first year of a two-year program which prepares them for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. This program involves parents and children and culminates in the wonderful celebration of Eucharist in grade two. Our daily religion courses focus on Catholic beliefs, values, prayers, and practices. All Students participate in liturgical events throughout the school year.
The Math curriculum is built around developmentally appropriate skills and emphasizes problem-solving skills and the use of manipulatives. Children are taught to master the basic facts and apply their knowledge to everyday problems in order to solidify their math skills. Math skills are integrated into all areas of the curriculum especially in science and ELA.
Our language arts program includes the study of literature, reading skills, phonics, spelling, grammar, and composition. Writing skills are developed through use of journals portfolios, as well as essay writing. Comprehension, critical thinking, and vocabulary are taught as well.
Social studies is taught using creative approaches which allow children to discover and enjoy each other's cultures and customs. Students take imaginary "trips" to other lands and bring a sense of tradition to our classes.
Social studies classes on the elementary level also consists of actual class trips, special projects, videos, and speakers to bring the classes to life.
Our science curriculum is designed to allow students an opportunity to work on hands-on, age-appropriate experiments in our science lab. Students work on special science projects that are displayed in the spring.
Technology classes at the elementary level includes, basic keyboarding techniques in order to advance in our program which includes word-processing, and the use of many interactive learning websites and programs. Classes are held in our computer lab which houses MacBooks and our brand new ChromeBooks. ChromeBooks are also available for classroom use in various subject areas.
The elementary curriculum is rounded out with special classes such as physical education, music, art, library, band and string. These are not treated as extras, but are a very important part of our curriculum.
All Elementary Education classes are equipped with interactive Smartboards.